On $q$-Schur algebras corresponding to Hecke algebras of type B

Abstract in English

In this paper the authors investigate the $q$-Schur algebras of type B that were constructed earlier using coideal subalgebras for the quantum group of type A. The authors present a coordinate algebra type construction that allows us to realize these $q$-Schur algebras as the duals of the $d$th graded components of certain graded coalgebras. Under suitable conditions an isomorphism theorem is proved that demonstrates that the representation theory reduces to the $q$-Schur algebra of type A. This enables the authors to address the questions of cellularity, quasi-hereditariness and representation type of these algebras. Later it is shown that these algebras realize the $1$-faithful quasi hereditary covers of the Hecke algebras of type B. As a further consequence, the authors demonstrate that these algebras are Morita equivalent to Rouquiers finite-dimensional algebras that arise from the category ${mathcal O}$ for rational Cherednik algebras for the Weyl group of type B. In particular, we have introduced a Schur-type functor that identifies the type B Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov functor.
