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Random positive operator valued measures

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 Added by Ion Nechita
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We introduce several notions of random positive operator valued measures (POVMs), and we prove that some of them are equivalent. We then study statistical properties of the effect operators for the canonical examples, obtaining limiting eigenvalue distributions with the help of free probability theory. Similarly, we obtain the large system limit for several quantities of interest in quantum information theory, such as the sharpness, the noise content, and the probability range. Finally, we study different compatibility criteria, and we compare them for generic POVMs.

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Standard projective measurements represent a subset of all possible measurements in quantum physics, defined by positive-operator-valued measures. We study what quantum measurements are projective simulable, that is, can be simulated by using projective measurements and classical randomness. We first prove that every measurement on a given quantum system can be realised by classical processing of projective measurements on the system plus an ancilla of the same dimension. Then, given a general measurement in dimension two or three, we show that deciding whether it is projective-simulable can be solved by means of semi-definite programming. We also establish conditions for the simulation of measurements using projective ones valid for any dimension. As an application of our formalism, we improve the range of visibilities for which two-qubit Werner states do not violate any Bell inequality for all measurements. From an implementation point of view, our work provides bounds on the amount of noise a measurement tolerates before losing any advantage over projective ones.
We tackle the dynamical description of the quantum measurement process, by explicitly addressing the interaction between the system under investigation with the measurement apparatus, the latter ultimately considered as macroscopic quantum object. We consider arbitrary Positive Operator Valued Measures (POVMs), such that the orthogonality constraint on the measurement operators is relaxed. We show that, likewise the well-known von-Neumann scheme for projective measurements, it is possible to build up a dynamical model holding a unitary propagator characterized by a single time-independent Hamiltonian. This is achieved by modifying the standard model so as to compensate for the possible lack of orthogonality among the measurement operators of arbitrary POVMs.
151 - Boris F. Samsonov 2009
Optimization of the mean efficiency for unambiguous (or error free)discrimination among $N$ given linearly independent nonorthogonal states should be realized in a way to keep the probabilistic quantum mechanical interpretation. This imposes a condition on a certain matrix to be positive semidefinite. We reformulated this condition in such a way that the conditioned optimization problem for the mean efficiency was reduced to finding an unconditioned maximum of a function defined on a unit $N$-sphere for equiprobable states and on an $N$-ellipsoid if the states are given with different probabilities. We established that for equiprobable states a point on the sphere with equal values of Cartesian coordinates, which we call symmetric point, plays a special role. Sufficient conditions for a vector set are formulated for which the mean efficiency for equiprobable states takes its maximal value at the symmetric point. This set, in particular, includes previously studied symmetric states. A subset of symmetric states, for which the optimal measurement corresponds to a POVM requiring a one-dimensional ancilla space is constructed. We presented our constructions of a POVM suitable for the ancilla space dimension varying from 1 till $N$ and the Neumarks extension differing from the existing schemes by the property that it is straightforwardly applicable to the case when it is desirable to present the whole space system + ancilla as the tensor product of a two-dimensional ancilla space and the $N$-dimensional system space.
Quantum resource theories provide a diverse and powerful framework for extensively studying the phenomena in quantum physics. Quantum coherence, a quantum resource, is the basic ingredient in many quantum information tasks. It is a subject of broad and current interest in quantum information, and many new concepts have been introduced and generalized since its establishment. Here we show that the block coherence can be transformed into entanglement via a block incoherent operation. Moreover, we find that the POVM-based coherence associated with block coherence through the Naimark extension acts as a potential resource from the perspective of generating entanglement. Finally, we discuss avenues of creating entanglement from POVM-based coherence, present strategies that require embedding channels and auxiliary systems, give some examples, and generalize them.
Positive operator valued measurements (POVMs) play an important role in efficient quantum communication and computation. While optical systems are one of the strongest candidates for long distance quantum communication and information processing, efficient methods to implement POVMs in these systems are scarce. Here we propose an all-optical scheme to implement an arbitrary POVM using linear optical components on m-dimensional Hilbert space of internal degrees of freedom. Linear optical nature of the proposed scheme makes it efficient and robust. We show how the scheme can be applied for state tomography and for preparing arbitrary mixed states.
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