The weakening outburst of the young eruptive star V582 Aur

Abstract in English

V582 Aur is a pre-main sequence FU Orionis type eruptive star, which entered a brightness minimum in 2016 March due to changes in the line-of-sight extinction. Here, we present and analyze new optical $B$, $V$, $R_C$ and $I_C$ band multiepoch observations and new near-infrared $J$, $H$ and $K_S$ band photometric measurements from 2018 January$-$2019 February, as well as publicly available mid-infrared WISE data. We found that the source shows a significant optical$-$near-infrared variability, and the current brightness minimum has not completely finished yet. If the present dimming originates from the same orbiting dust clump that caused a similar brightness variation in 2012, than our results suggest a viscous spreading of the dust particles along the orbit. Another scenario is that the current minimum is caused by a dust structure, that is entering and leaving the inner part of the system. The WISE measurements could be consistent with this scenario. Our long-term data, as well as an accretion disk modeling hint at a general fading of V582 Aur, suggesting that the source will reach the quiescent level in $sim$80 years.
