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Hidden Weyl Fermions in Paramagnetic Electride Y$_2$C

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 Added by Seho Yi
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recent experimental observations of Weyl fermions in materials opens a new frontier of condensed matter physics. Based on first-principles calculations, we here discover Weyl fermions in a two-dimensional layered electride material Y$_2$C. We find that the Y 4$d$ orbitals and the anionic $s$-like orbital confined in the interstitial spaces between [Y$_2$C]$^{2+}$ cationic layers are hybridized to give rise to van Have singularities near the Fermi energy $E_{rm F}$, which induce a ferromagnetic (FM) order via the Stoner-type instability. This FM phase with broken time-reversal symmetry hosts the rotation-symmetry protected Weyl nodal lines near $E_{rm F}$, which are converted into the multiple pairs of Weyl nodes by including spin-orbit coupling (SOC). However, we reveal that, due to its small SOC effects, Y$_2$C has a topologically nontrivial drumhead-like surface state near $E_{rm F}$ as well as a very small magnetic anisotropy energy with several ${mu}$eV per unit cell, consistent with the observed surface state and paramagnetism at low temperatures below ${sim}$2 K. Our findings propose that the Brillouin zone coordinates of Weyl fermions hidden in paramagnetic electride materials would fluctuate in momentum space with random orientations of the magnetization direction.

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Recently, two-dimensional layered electrides have emerged as a new class of materials which possess anionic electron layers in the interstitial spaces between cationic layers. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we discover a time-reversal-symmetry-breaking Weyl semimetal phase in a unique two-dimensional layered ferromagnetic (FM) electride Gd$_2$C. It is revealed that the crystal field mixes the interstitial electron states and Gd 5$d$ orbitals near the Fermi energy to form band
Two-dimensional (2D) electrides are a new concept material in which anionic electrons are confined in the interlayer space between positively charged layers. We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on Y$_2$C, which is a possible 2D electride, in order to verify the formation of 2D electride states in Y$_2$C. We clearly observe the existence of semimetallic electride bands near the Fermi level, as predicted by ${ab}$ ${initio}$ calculations, conclusively demonstrating that Y$_2$C is a quasi-2D electride with electride bands derived from interlayer anionic electrons.
77 - M. Hiraishi 2018
Magnetic properties of the electride compound Y$_2$C were investigated by muon spin rotation and magnetic susceptibility on two samples with different form (poly- and single-crystalline), to examine the theoretically-predicted Stoner ferromagnetism for the electride bands. There was no evidence of static magnetic order in both samples even at temperatures down to 0.024 K. For the poly-crystalline sample, the presence of a paramagnetic moment at Y sites was inferred from the Curie-Weiss behavior of the muon Knight shift and susceptibility, whereas no such tendency was observed in the single-crystalline sample. These observations suggest that the electronic ground state of Y$_2$C is at the limit between weak-to-strong electronic correlation, where onsite Coulomb repulsion is sensitive to a local modulation of the electronic state or a shift in the Fermi level due to the presence of defects/impurities.
The transition metal dipnictides TaAs2 , TaSb2 , NbAs2 and NbSb2 have recently sparked interest for exhibiting giant magnetoresistance. While the exact nature of magnetoresistance in these materials is still under active investigation, there are experimental results indicating anisotropic negative magnetoresistance. We study the effect of magnetic field on the band structure topology of these materials by applying a Zeeman splitting. In the absence of magnetic field, we find that the materials are weak topological insulators, which is in agreement with previous studies. When the magnetic field is applied, we find that type-II Weyl points form. This result is found first from a symmetry argument, and then numerically for a k.p model of TaAs2 and a tight-binding model of NbSb2. This effect can be of help in search for an explanation of the anomalous magnetoresistance in these materials.
As one of Weyl semimetals discovered recently, NbP exhibits two groups of Weyl points with one group lying inside the $k_z=0$ plane and the other group staying away from this plane. All Weyl points have been assumed to be type-I, for which the Fermi surface shrinks into a point as the Fermi energy crosses the Weyl point. In this work, we have revealed that the second group of Weyl points are actually type-II, which are found to be touching points between the electron and hole pockets in the Fermi surface. Corresponding Weyl cones are strongly tilted along a line approximately $17^circ$ off the $k_z$ axis in the $k_x - k_z$ (or $k_y - k_z$) plane, violating the Lorentz symmetry but still giving rise to Fermi arcs on the surface. Therefore, NbP exhibits both type-I ($k_z=0$ plane) and type-II ($k_z eq 0$ plane) Weyl points.
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