Charged anisotropic strange stars in Finslerian geometry

Abstract in English

We investigate a simplified model for the strange stars in the framework of Finslerian spacetime geometry, composed of charged fluid. It is considered that the fluid consisting of three flavor quarks including a small amount of non-interacting electrons to maintain the chemical equilibrium and assumed that the fluid is compressible by nature. To obtain the simplified form of charged strange star we considered constant flag curvature. Based on geometry, we have developed the field equations within the localized charge distribution. We considered that the strange quarks distributed within the stellar system are compiled with the MIT bag model type of equation of state (EOS) and the charge distribution within the system follows a power law. We represent the exterior spacetime by the Finslerian Ressiner-Nordstr{o}m space-time. The maximum anisotropic stress is obtained at the surface of the system. Whether the system is in equilibrium or not, has been examined with respect to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation, Herrera cracking concept, different energy conditions and adiabatic index. We obtain that the total charge is of the order of 10$^{20}$ C and the corresponding electric field is of around 10$^{22}$ V/m. The central density and central pressure vary inversely with the charge. Varying the free parameter (charge constant) of the model, we find the generalized mass-radius variation of strange stars and determine the maximum limited mass with the corresponding radius. Furthermore, we also considered the variation of mass and radius against central density respectively.
