Polynomial bounds on the Sobolev norms of the solutions of the nonlinear wave equation with time dependent potential

Abstract in English

We consider the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear wave equation $u_{tt} - Delta_x u +q(t, x) u + u^3 = 0$ with smooth potential $q(t, x) geq 0$ having compact support with respect to $x$. The linear equation without the nonlinear term $u^3$ and potential periodic in $t$ may have solutions with exponentially increasing as $ t to infty$ norm $H^1({mathbb R}^3_x)$. In [2] it was established that adding the nonlinear term $u^3$ the $H^1({mathbb R}^3_x)$ norm of the solution is polynomially bounded for every choice of $q$. In this paper we show that $H^k({mathbb R}^3_x)$ norm of this global solution is also polynomially bounded. To prove this we apply a different argument based on the analysis of a sequence ${Y_k(ntau_k)}_{n = 0}^{infty}$ with suitably defined energy norm $Y_k(t)$ and $0 < tau_k <1.$
