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Multi-walled carbon nanotube films for the measurement of the alcoholic concentration

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We show that a multi-walled carbon nanotube film can be used as the sensing element of a low-cost sensor for the alcoholic concentration in liquid solutions. To this purpose, we investigate the electrical resistance of the film as a function of the isopropanol concentration in a water solution. The analysis reveals a growing resistance with increasing isopropanol concentration and a fast response. The sensing element is re-usable as the initial resistance value is restored once the solution has evaporated. The electrical resistance increases linearly when the multi-walled carbon nanotube film is exposed to common beverages with increasing alcoholic content. This work paves the way for the development of low-cost, miniaturized MWCNT-based sensors for quality monitoring and control of alcoholic beverages and general liquid solutions.

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The electronic properties of as-prepared and purified unoriented single-walled carbon nanotube films were studied by transmission measurements over a broad frequency range (far-infrared up to visible) as a function of temperature (15 K - 295 K) and external pressure (up to 8 GPa). Both the as-prepared and the purified SWCNT films exhibit nearly temperature-independent properties. With increasing pressure the low-energy absorbance decreases suggesting an increasing carrier localization due to pressure-induced deformations. The energy of the optical transitions in the SWCNTs decreases with increasing pressure, which can be attributed to pressure-induced hybridization and symmetry-breaking effects. We find an anomaly in the pressure-induced shift of the optical transitions at $sim$2 GPa due to a structural phase transition.
Chirality-selected single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) ensure a great potential of building ~1 nm sized electronics. However, the reliable method for chirality-selected SWCNT is still pending. Here we present a theoretical study on the SWCNTs chirality assignment and control during the catalytic growth. This study reveals that the chirality of a SWCNT is determined by the kinetic incorporation of the pentagon formation during SWCNT nucleation. Therefore, chirality is randomly assigned on a liquid catalyst surface. Furthermore, based on the understanding, two potential methods of synthesizing chirality-selected SWCNTs are proposed: i) by using Ta, W, Re, Os, or their alloys as solid catalysts, and ii) by changing the SWCNTs chirality frequently during the growth.
246 - A. V. Dolbin 2010
The effect of a N2 impurity on the radial thermal expansion coefficient (ar) of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles has been investigated in the temperature interval 2.2 - 43 K by the dilatometric method. Saturation of nanotube bundles with N2 caused a sharp increase in the positive magnitudes of ar in the whole range of temperatures used and a very high and wide maximum in the thermal expansion coefficient (ar)(T) at T about 28 K. The low temperature desorption of the impurity from the N2-saturated powder of bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes with open and closed ends has been investigated.
155 - Gang Wu , Xiaoping Yang , 2007
Using the first principles calculations we have studied the vibrational modes and Raman spectra of a (10, 10) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) bundle under hydrostatic pressure. Detailed analysis shows that the original radial breathing mode (RBM) of the SWNT bundle disappears after the structural phase transition (SPT). And significantly a RBM-like mode appears at about 509 cm^{-1}, which could be considered as a fingerprint of the SPT happened in the SWNT bundle, and further used to determine the microscopic structure of the bundle after the SPT.
104 - Peter Karlsen 2017
We measure the conductivity spectra of thin films comprising bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) of different average lengths in the frequency range 0.3-1000 THz and temperature interval 10-530 K. The observed temperature-induced changes in the terahertz conductivity spectra are shown to depend strongly on the average CNT length, with a conductivity around 1 THz that increases/decreases as the temperature increases for short/long tubes. This behaviour originates from the temperature dependence of the electron scattering rate, which we obtain from Drude fits of the measured conductivity in the range 0.3-2 THz for 10 $mu$m length CNTs. This increasing scattering rate with temperature results in a subsequent broadening of the observed THz conductivity peak at higher temperatures and a shift to lower frequencies for increasing CNT length. Finally, we show that the change in conductivity with temperature depends not only on tube length, but also varies with tube density. We record the effective conductivities of composite films comprising mixtures of WS$_2$ nanotubes and CNTs vs CNT density for frequencies in the range 0.3-1 THz, finding that the conductivity increases/decreases for low/high density films as the temperature increases. This effect arises due to the density dependence of the effective length of conducting pathways in the composite films, which again leads to a shift and temperature dependent broadening of the THz conductivity peak.
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