Dynamically Integrated Transport Approach for High-Energy Nuclear Collisions at High Baryon Density

Abstract in English

To explore the structure of the QCD phase diagram in high baryon density domain, several high-energy nuclear collision experiments in a wide range of beam energies are currently performed or planned using many accelerator facilities. In these experiments search for a first-order phase transition and the QCD critical point is one of the most important topics. To find the signature of the phase transition, experimental data should be compared to appropriate dynamical models which quantitatively describe the process of the collisions. In this study we develop a new dynamical model on the basis of the non-equilibrium hadronic transport model JAM and 3+1D hydrodynamics. We show that the new model reproduce well the experimental beam-energy dependence of hadron yields and particle ratio by the partial thermalization of the system in our core-corona approach.
