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We investigate the dynamics of quantum entanglement after a global quench and uncover a qualitative difference between the behavior of the von Neumann entropy and higher Renyi entropies. We argue that the latter generically grow emph{sub-ballistically}, as $proptosqrt{t}$, in systems with diffusive transport. We provide strong evidence for this in both a U$(1)$ symmetric random circuit model and in a paradigmatic non-integrable spin chain, where energy is the sole conserved quantity. We interpret our results as a consequence of local quantum fluctuations in conserved densities, whose behavior is controlled by diffusion, and use the random circuit model to derive an effective description. We also discuss the late-time behavior of the second Renyi entropy and show that it exhibits hydrodynamic tails with emph{three distinct power laws} occurring for different classes of initial states.
We investigate the scaling of the Renyi $alpha$-entropies in one-dimensional gapped quantum spin models. We show that the block entropies with $alpha > 2$ violate the area law monotonicity and exhibit damped oscillations. Depending on the existence of a factorized ground state, the oscillatory behavior occurs either below factorization or it extends indefinitely. The anomalous scaling corresponds to an entanglement-driven order that is independent of ground-state degeneracy and is revealed by a nonlocal order parameter defined as the sum of the single-copy entanglement over all blocks.
Quantum Renyi relative entropies provide a one-parameter family of distances between density matrices, which generalizes the relative entropy and the fidelity. We study these measures for renormalization group flows in quantum field theory. We derive explicit expressions in free field theory based on the real time approach. Using monotonicity properties, we obtain new inequalities that need to be satisfied by consistent renormalization group trajectories in field theory. These inequalities play the role of a second law of thermodynamics, in the context of renormalization group flows. Finally, we apply these results to a tractable Kondo model, where we evaluate the Renyi relative entropies explicitly. An outcome of this is that Andersons orthogonality catastrophe can be avoided by working on a Cauchy surface that approaches the light-cone.
Quantum entanglement is one essential element to characterize many-body quantum systems. However, so far, the entanglement measures mainly restrict to Hermitian systems. Here, we propose a natural extension of entanglement and Renyi entropies to non-Hermitian quantum systems. We demonstrate the generic entanglement and Renyi entropies capture the correct entanglement properties in non-Hermitian critical systems, where the low-energy properties are governed by the non-unitary conformal field theories (CFTs). We find excellent agreement between the numerical extrapolation of the negative central charges from the generic entanglement/Renyi entropy and the non-unitary CFT prediction. Furthermore, we apply the generic entanglement/Renyi entropy to symmetry-protected topological phases with non-Hermitian perturbations. We find the generic $n$-th Renyi entropy captures the expected entanglement property, whereas the traditional Renyi entropy can exhibit unnatural singularities due to its improper definition.
We present a method to measure the von Neumann entanglement entropy of ground states of quantum many-body systems which does not require access to the system wave function. The technique is based on a direct thermodynamic study of entanglement Hamiltonians, whose functional form is available from field theoretical insights. The method is applicable to classical simulations such as quantum Monte Carlo methods, and to experiments that allow for thermodynamic measurements such as the density of states, accessible via quantum quenches. We benchmark our technique on critical quantum spin chains, and apply it to several two-dimensional quantum magnets, where we are able to unambiguously determine the onset of area law in the entanglement entropy, the number of Goldstone bosons, and to check a recent conjecture on geometric entanglement contribution at critical points described by strongly coupled field theories.
We construct a new class of entanglement measures by extending the usual definition of Renyi entropy to include a chemical potential. These charged Renyi entropies measure the degree of entanglement in different charge sectors of the theory and are given by Euclidean path integrals with the insertion of a Wilson line encircling the entangling surface. We compute these entropies for a spherical entangling surface in CFTs with holographic duals, where they are related to entropies of charged black holes with hyperbolic horizons. We also compute charged Renyi entropies in free field theories.