Relativistic dissipation obeys Chapman-Enskog asymptotics: analytical and numerical evidence as a basis for accurate kinetic simulations

Abstract in English

We present an analytical derivation of the transport coefficients of a relativistic gas in (2+1) dimensions for both Chapman-Enskog (CE) asymptotics and Grads expansion methods. Moreover, we develop a systematic calibration method, connecting the relaxation time of relativistic kinetic theory to the transport parameters of the associated dissipative hydrodynamic equations. Comparison between the analytical results and numerical simulations, shows that the CE method correctly captures dissipative effects, while Grads method does not. The resulting calibration procedure based on the CE method opens the way to the quantitative kinetic description of dissipative relativistic fluid dynamics under fairly general conditions, namely flows with strongly non-linearities, in non-ideal geometries, across both ultra-relativistic and near-non-relativistic regimes.
