Even simpler modeling of quadruply lensed quasars (and random quartets) using Witts hyperbola

Abstract in English

Witt (1996) has shown that for an elliptical potential, the four images of a quadruply lensed quasar lie on a rectangular hyperbola that passes through the unlensed quasar position and the center of the potential as well. Wynne and Schechter (2018) have shown that, for the singular isothermal elliptical potential (SIEP), the four images also lie on an `amplitude ellipse centered on the quasar position with axes parallel to the hyperbolas asymptotes. Witts hyperbola arises from equating the directions of both sides of the lens equation. The amplitude ellipse derives from equating the magnitudes. One can model any four points as an SIEP in three steps. 1. Find the rectangular hyperbola that passes through the points. 2. Find the aligned ellipse that also passes through them. 3. Find the hyperbola with asymptotes parallel to those of the first that passes through the center of the ellipse and the pair of images closest to each other. The second hyperbola and the ellipse give an SIEP that predicts the positions of the two remaining images where the curves intersect. Pinning the model to the closest pair guarantees a four image model. Such models permit rapid discrimination between gravitationally lensed quasars and random quartets of stars.
