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Semigroups generated by partitions

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 Added by Oleksiy Dovgoshey
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English
 Authors O. Dovgoshey

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Let $X$ be a nonempty set and $X^{2}$ be the Cartesian square of $X$. Some semigroups of binary relations generated partitions of $X^2$ are studied. In particular, the algebraic structure of semigroups generated by the finest partition of $X^{2}$ and, respectively, by the finest symmetric partition of $X^{2}$ are described.

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156 - Delio Mugnolo 2013
We survey some known results about operator semigroup generated by operator matrices with diagonal or coupled domain. These abstract results are applied to the characterization of well-/ill-posedness for a class of evolution equations with dynamic boundary conditions on domains or metric graphs. In particular, our ill-posedness results on the heat equation with general Wentzell-type boundary conditions complement those previously obtained by, among others, Bandle-von Below-Reichel and Vitillaro-Vazquez.
We present a survey of results on profinite semigroups and their link with symbolic dynamics. We develop a series of results, mostly due to Almeida and Costa and we also include some original results on the Schutzenberger groups associated to a uniformly recurrent set.
145 - D. G. FitzGerald 2019
As an appropriate generalisation of the features of the classical (Schein) theory of representations of inverse semigroups in $mathscr{I}_{X}$, a theory of representations of inverse semigroups by homomorphisms into complete atomistic inverse algebras is developed. This class of inverse algebras includes partial automorphism monoids of entities such as graphs, vector spaces and modules. A workable theory of decompositions is reached; however complete distributivity is required for results approaching those of the classical case.
A congruence on an inverse semigroup $S$ is determined uniquely by its kernel and trace. Denoting by $rho_k$ and $rho_t$ the least congruence on $S$ having the same kernel and the same trace as $rho$, respectively, and denoting by $omega$ the universal congruence on $S$, we consider the sequence $omega$, $omega_k$, $omega_t$, $(omega_k)_t$, $(omega_t)_k$, $((omega_k)_t)_k$, $((omega_t)_k)_t$, $cdots$. The quotients ${S/omega_k}$, ${S/omega_t}$, ${S/(omega_k)_t}$, ${S/(omega_t)_k}$, ${S/((omega_k)_t)_k}$, ${S/((omega_t)_k)_t}$, $cdots$, as $S$ runs over all inverse semigroups, form quasivarieties. This article explores the relationships among these quasivarieties.
We study algebraic and topological properties of the convolution semigroups of probability measures on a topological groups and show that a compact Clifford topological semigroup $S$ embeds into the convolution semigroup $P(G)$ over some topological group $G$ if and only if $S$ embeds into the semigroup $exp(G)$ of compact subsets of $G$ if and only if $S$ is an inverse semigroup and has zero-dimensional maximal semilattice. We also show that such a Clifford semigroup $S$ embeds into the functor-semigroup $F(G)$ over a suitable compact topological group $G$ for each weakly normal monadic functor $F$ in the category of compacta such that $F(G)$ contains a $G$-invariant element (which is an analogue of the Haar measure on $G$).
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