Symmetries of Transversely Projective Foliations

Abstract in English

Given a (singular, codimension 1) holomorphic foliation F on a complex projective manifold X, we study the group PsAut(X, F) of pseudo-automorphisms of X which preserve F ; more precisely, we seek sufficient conditions for a finite index subgroup of PsAut(X, F) to fix all leaves of F. It turns out that if F admits a (possibly degenerate) transverse hyperbolic structure , then the property is satisfied; furthermore, in this setting we prove that all entire curves are algebraically degenerate. We prove the same result in the more general setting of transversely projective foliations, under the additional assumptions of non-negative Kodaira dimension and that for no generically finite morphism f : X $rightarrow$ X the foliation f*F is defined by a closed rational 1-form.
