DW Cancri in x-rays

Abstract in English

We report on the $XMM$-Newton observation of DW Cnc, a candidate intermediate polar candidate whose historical optical light curve shows the existence of periods at $simeq 38$, $simeq 86$ and $simeq 69$ minutes which were interpreted as the white dwarf spin, the orbital and the spin-orbit beat periodicities. By studying the $0.3-10$ keV light curves, we confirm the existence of a period at $simeq 38$ minutes and find in the OM light curve a signature for a period at $75pm 21$ minutes which is consistent with both the orbital and spin-orbit beat. { These findings allow us to unveil without any doubt, the nature of DW Cnc as an accreting intermediate polar. The EPIC and RGS source spectra were analyzed and a best fit model, consisting of a multi-temperature plasma, was found. The maximum temperature found when fitting the data is $kT_{max}simeq 31$ keV which can be interpreted as an upper limit to the temperature of the shock.
