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Neural RGB->D Sensing: Depth and Uncertainty from a Video Camera

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 Added by Chao Liu
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Depth sensing is crucial for 3D reconstruction and scene understanding. Active depth sensors provide dense metric measurements, but often suffer from limitations such as restricted operating ranges, low spatial resolution, sensor interference, and high power consumption. In this paper, we propose a deep learning (DL) method to estimate per-pixel depth and its uncertainty continuously from a monocular video stream, with the goal of effectively turning an RGB camera into an RGB-D camera. Unlike prior DL-based methods, we estimate a depth probability distribution for each pixel rather than a single depth value, leading to an estimate of a 3D depth probability volume for each input frame. These depth probability volumes are accumulated over time under a Bayesian filtering framework as more incoming frames are processed sequentially, which effectively reduces depth uncertainty and improves accuracy, robustness, and temporal stability. Compared to prior work, the proposed approach achieves more accurate and stable results, and generalizes better to new datasets. Experimental results also show the output of our approach can be directly fed into classical RGB-D based 3D scanning methods for 3D scene reconstruction.

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We propose the first stochastic framework to employ uncertainty for RGB-D saliency detection by learning from the data labeling process. Existing RGB-D saliency detection models treat this task as a point estimation problem by predicting a single saliency map following a deterministic learning pipeline. We argue that, however, the deterministic solution is relatively ill-posed. Inspired by the saliency data labeling process, we propose a generative architecture to achieve probabilistic RGB-D saliency detection which utilizes a latent variable to model the labeling variations. Our framework includes two main models: 1) a generator model, which maps the input image and latent variable to stochastic saliency prediction, and 2) an inference model, which gradually updates the latent variable by sampling it from the true or approximate posterior distribution. The generator model is an encoder-decoder saliency network. To infer the latent variable, we introduce two different solutions: i) a Conditional Variational Auto-encoder with an extra encoder to approximate the posterior distribution of the latent variable; and ii) an Alternating Back-Propagation technique, which directly samples the latent variable from the true posterior distribution. Qualitative and quantitative results on six challenging RGB-D benchmark datasets show our approachs superior performance in learning the distribution of saliency maps. The source code is publicly available via our project page:
We present TexMesh, a novel approach to reconstruct detailed human meshes with high-resolution full-body texture from RGB-D video. TexMesh enables high quality free-viewpoint rendering of humans. Given the RGB frames, the captured environment map, and the coarse per-frame human mesh from RGB-D tracking, our method reconstructs spatiotemporally consistent and detailed per-frame meshes along with a high-resolution albedo texture. By using the incident illumination we are able to accurately estimate local surface geometry and albedo, which allows us to further use photometric constraints to adapt a synthetically trained model to real-world sequences in a self-supervised manner for detailed surface geometry and high-resolution texture estimation. In practice, we train our models on a short example sequence for self-adaptation and the model runs at interactive framerate afterwards. We validate TexMesh on synthetic and real-world data, and show it outperforms the state of art quantitatively and qualitatively.
In this work, we explore how to leverage the success of implicit novel view synthesis methods for surface reconstruction. Methods which learn a neural radiance field have shown amazing image synthesis results, but the underlying geometry representation is only a coarse approximation of the real geometry. We demonstrate how depth measurements can be incorporated into the radiance field formulation to produce more detailed and complete reconstruction results than using methods based on either color or depth data alone. In contrast to a density field as the underlying geometry representation, we propose to learn a deep neural network which stores a truncated signed distance field. Using this representation, we show that one can still leverage differentiable volume rendering to estimate color values of the observed images during training to compute a reconstruction loss. This is beneficial for learning the signed distance field in regions with missing depth measurements. Furthermore, we correct misalignment errors of the camera, improving the overall reconstruction quality. In several experiments, we showcase our method and compare to existing works on classical RGB-D fusion and learned representations.
A simple and inexpensive (low-power and low-bandwidth) modification is made to a conventional off-the-shelf color video camera, from which we recover {multiple} color frames for each of the original measured frames, and each of the recovered frames can be focused at a different depth. The recovery of multiple frames for each measured frame is made possible via high-speed coding, manifested via translation of a single coded aperture; the inexpensive translation is constituted by mounting the binary code on a piezoelectric device. To simultaneously recover depth information, a {liquid} lens is modulated at high speed, via a variable voltage. Consequently, during the aforementioned coding process, the liquid lens allows the camera to sweep the focus through multiple depths. In addition to designing and implementing the camera, fast recovery is achieved by an anytime algorithm exploiting the group-sparsity of wavelet/DCT coefficients.
This paper presents an effective method for generating a spatiotemporal (time-varying) texture map for a dynamic object using a single RGB-D camera. The input of our framework is a 3D template model and an RGB-D image sequence. Since there are invisible areas of the object at a frame in a single-camera setup, textures of such areas need to be borrowed from other frames. We formulate the problem as an MRF optimization and define cost functions to reconstruct a plausible spatiotemporal texture for a dynamic object. Experimental results demonstrate that our spatiotemporal textures can reproduce the active appearances of captured objects better than approaches using a single texture map.
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