For convolutional neural network models that optimize an image embedding, we propose a method to highlight the regions of images that contribute most to pairwise similarity. This work is a corollary to the visualization tools developed for classification networks, but applicable to the problem domains better suited to similarity learning. The visualization shows how similarity networks that are fine-tuned learn to focus on different features. We also generalize our approach to embedding networks that use different pooling strategies and provide a simple mechanism to support image similarity searches on objects or sub-regions in the query image.
Understanding and interpreting the decisions made by deep learning models is valuable in many domains. In computer vision, computing heatmaps from a deep network is a popular approach for visualizing and understanding deep networks. However, heatmaps that do not correlate with the network may mislead human, hence the performance of heatmaps in providing a faithful explanation to the underlying deep network is crucial. In this paper, we propose I-GOS, which optimizes for a heatmap so that the classification scores on the masked image would maximally decrease. The main novelty of the approach is to compute descent directions based on the integrated gradients instead of the normal gradient, which avoids local optima and speeds up convergence. Compared with previous approaches, our method can flexibly compute heatmaps at any resolution for different user needs. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets show that the heatmaps produced by our approach are more correlated with the decision of the underlying deep network, in comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches.
Image representations, from SIFT and bag of visual words to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a crucial component of almost all computer vision systems. However, our understanding of them remains limited. In this paper we study several landmark representations, both shallow and deep, by a number of complementary visualization techniques. These visualizations are based on the concept of natural pre-image, namely a natural-looking image whose representation has some notable property. We study in particular three such visualizations: inversion, in which the aim is to reconstruct an image from its representation, activation maximization, in which we search for patterns that maximally stimulate a representation component, and caricaturization, in which the visual patterns that a representation detects in an image are exaggerated. We pose these as a regularized energy-minimization framework and demonstrate its generality and effectiveness. In particular, we show that this method can invert representations such as HOG more accurately than recent alternatives while being applicable to CNNs too. Among our findings, we show that several layers in CNNs retain photographically accurate information about the image, with different degrees of geometric and photometric invariance.
Evolutionary deep intelligence has recently shown great promise for producing small, powerful deep neural network models via the synthesis of increasingly efficient architectures over successive generations. Despite recent research showing the efficacy of multi-parent evolutionary synthesis, little has been done to directly assess architectural similarity between networks during the synthesis process for improved parent network selection. In this work, we present a preliminary study into quantifying architectural similarity via the percentage overlap of architectural clusters. Results show that networks synthesized using architectural alignment (via gene tagging) maintain higher architectural similarities within each generation, potentially restricting the search space of highly efficient network architectures.
Synaptic plasticity is widely accepted to be the mechanism behind learning in the brains neural networks. A central question is how synapses, with access to only local information about the network, can still organize collectively and perform circuit-wide learning in an efficient manner. In single-layered and all-to-all connected neural networks, local plasticity has been shown to implement gradient-based learning on a class of cost functions that contain a term that aligns the similarity of outputs to the similarity of inputs. Whether such cost functions exist for networks with other architectures is not known. In this paper, we introduce structured and deep similarity matching cost functions, and show how they can be optimized in a gradient-based manner by neural networks with local learning rules. These networks extend Foldiaks Hebbian/Anti-Hebbian network to deep architectures and structured feedforward, lateral and feedback connections. Credit assignment problem is solved elegantly by a factorization of the dual learning objective to synapse specific local objectives. Simulations show that our networks learn meaningful features.
Deep learning models for human activity recognition (HAR) based on sensor data have been heavily studied recently. However, the generalization ability of deep models on complex real-world HAR data is limited by the availability of high-quality labeled activity data, which are hard to obtain. In this paper, we design a similarity embedding neural network that maps input sensor signals onto real vectors through carefully designed convolutional and LSTM layers. The embedding network is trained with a pairwise similarity loss, encouraging the clustering of samples from the same class in the embedded real space, and can be effectively trained on a small dataset and even on a noisy dataset with mislabeled samples. Based on the learned embeddings, we further propose both nonparametric and parametric approaches for activity recognition. Extensive evaluation based on two public datasets has shown that the proposed similarity embedding network significantly outperforms state-of-the-art deep models on HAR classification tasks, is robust to mislabeled samples in the training set, and can also be used to effectively denoise a noisy dataset.