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We study the Feynman graph structure and compute certain exact four-point correlation functions in chiral CFT$_4$ proposed by {O}.G{u}rdou{g}an and one of the authors as a double scaling limit of $gamma$-deformed $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory. We give full description of bulk behavior of large Feynman graphs: it shows a generalized dynamical fishnet structure, with a dynamical exchange of bosonic and Yukawa couplings. We compute certain four-point correlators in the full chiral CFT$_4$, generalizing recent results for a particular one-coupling version of this theory -- the bi-scalar fishnet CFT. We sum up exactly the corresponding Feynman diagrams, including both bosonic and fermionic loops, by Bethe-Salpeter method. This provides explicit OPE data for various twist-2 operators with spin, showing a rich analytic structure, both in coordinate and coupling spaces.
In this paper we study a wide class of planar single-trace four point correlators in the chiral conformal field theory ($chi$CFT$_4$) arising as a double scaling limit of the $gamma$-deformed $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM theory. In the planar (tHooft) limit, each of such correlators is described by a single Feynman integral having the bulk topology of a square lattice fishnet and/or of an honeycomb lattice of Yukawa vertices. The computation of this class of Feynmann integrals at any loop is achieved by means of an exactly-solvable spin chain magnet with $SO(1,5)$ symmetry. In this paper we explain in detail the solution of the magnet model as presented in our recent letter and we obtain a general formula for the representation of the Feynman integrals over the spectrum of the separated variables of the magnet, for any number of scalar and fermionic fields in the corresponding correlator. For the particular choice of scalar fields only, our formula reproduces the conjecture of B. Basso and L. Dixon for the fishnet integrals.
We compute three-point correlation functions in the near-extremal, near-horizon region of a Kerr black hole, and compare to the corresponding finite-temperature conformal field theory correlators. For simplicity, we focus on scalar fields dual to operators ${cal O}_h$ whose conformal dimensions obey $h_3=h_1+h_2$, which we name emph{extremal} in analogy with the classic $AdS_5 times S^5$ three-point function in the literature. For such extremal correlators we find perfect agreement with the conformal field theory side, provided that the coupling of the cubic interaction contains a vanishing prefactor $propto h_3-h_1-h_2$. In fact, the bulk three-point function integral for such extremal correlators diverges as $1/(h_3-h_1-h_2)$. This behavior is analogous to what was found in the context of extremal AdS/CFT three-point correlators. As in AdS/CFT our correlation function can nevertheless be computed via analytic continuation from the non-extremal case.
The non-renormalization of the 3-point functions $tr X^{k_1} tr X^{k_2} tr X^{k_3}$ of chiral primary operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory is one of the most striking facts to emerge from the AdS/CFT correspondence. A two-fold puzzle appears in the extremal case, e.g. k_1 = k_2 + k_3. First, the supergravity calculation involves analytic continuation in the k_i variables to define the product of a vanishing bulk coupling and an infinite integral over AdS. Second, extremal correlators are uniquely sensitive to mixing of the single-trace operators $tr X^k$ with protected multi-trace operators in the same representation of SU(4). We show that the calculation of extremal correlators from supergravity is subject to the same subtlety of regularization known for the 2-point functions, and we present a careful method which justifies the analytic continuation and shows that supergravity fields couple to single traces without admixture. We also study extremal n-point functions of chiral primary operators, and argue that Type IIB supergravity requires that their space-time form is a product of n-1 two-point functions (as in the free field approximation) multiplied by a non-renormalized coefficient. This non-renormalization property of extremal n-point functions is a new prediction of the AdS/CFT correspondence. As a byproduct of this work we obtain the cubic couplings $t phi phi$ and $s phi phi$ of fields in the dilaton and 5-sphere graviton towers of Type IIB supergravity on $AdS_5 times S^5$.
We compute explicitly the two-dimensional version of Basso-Dixon type integrals for the planar four-point correlation functions given by conformal fishnet Feynman graphs. These diagrams are represented by a fragment of a regular square lattice of power-like propagators, arising in the recently proposed integrable bi-scalar fishnet CFT. The formula is derived from first principles, using the formalism of separated variables in integrable SL(2,C) spin chain. It is generalized to anisotropic fishnet, with different powers for propagators in two directions of the lattice.
We study near-extremal n-point correlation functions of chiral primary operators, in which the maximal scale dimension k is related to the others by k=sum_i k_i-m with m equal to or smaller than n-3. Through order g^2 in field theory, we show that these correlators are simple sums of terms each of which factors into products of lower-point correlators. Terms which contain only factors of two- and three-point functions are not renormalized, but other terms have non-vanishing order g^2 corrections. We then show that the contributing AdS exchange diagrams neatly match this factored structure. In particular, for n=4,5 precise agreement in form and coefficient is established between supergravity and the non-renormalized factored terms from field theory. On the other hand, contact diagrams in supergravity would produce a non-factored structure. This leads us to conjecture that the corresponding bulk couplings vanish, so as to achieve full agreement between the structure of these correlators in supergravity and weak-coupling field theory.