We used transport and inelastic neutron scattering to study the optimally phosphorus-doped BaFe$_2$(As$_{0.7}$P$_{0.3}$)$_2$ superconductor ($T_c = 30$ K). In the normal state, we find that the previously reported linear temperature dependence of the resistivity below room temperature extends to $sim$ 500 K. Our analysis of the temperature and energy ($E=hbaromega$) dependence of spin dynamical susceptibility at the antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering wave vector $chi^{primeprime}({bf Q}_{rm AF},omega)$ reveal an $omega / T$ scaling within $1.1<E/k_BT<110$. These results suggest that the linear temperature dependence of the resistivity is due to the presence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the cleanest iron pnictides near optimal superconductivity. Moreover, the results reconcile the strange-metal temperature dependences with the weakly first-order nature of the quantum transition out of the AF and nematic orders.