Coupling-controlled Dual ITO Layer Electro-Optic Modulator in Silicon Photonics

Abstract in English

Electro-optic signal modulation provides a key functionality in modern technology and information networks. Photonic integration has enabled not only miniaturizing photonic components, but also provided performance improvements due to co-design addressing both electrical and optical device rules. However the millimeter-to-centimeter large footprint of many foundry-ready photonic electro-optic modulators significantly limits scaling density. Furthermore, modulators bear a fundamental a frequency-response to energy-sensitive trade-off, a limitation that can be overcome with coupling-based modulators where the temporal response speed is decoupled from the optical cavity photo lifetime. Thus, the coupling effect to the resonator is modulated rather then tuning the index of the resonator itself. However, the weak electro-optic response of silicon limits such coupling modulator performance, since the micrometer-short overlap region of the waveguide-bus and a microring resonator is insufficient to induce signal modulation. To address these limitations, here we demonstrate a coupling-controlled electro-optic modulator by heterogeneously integrating a dual-gated indium-tin-oxide (ITO) phase shifter placed at the silicon microring-bus coupler region. Our experimental modulator shows about 4 dB extinction ratio on resonance, and a about 1.5 dB off resonance with a low insertion loss of 0.15 dB for a just 4 {mu}m short device demonstrating a compact high 10:1 modulation-to-loss ratio. In conclusion we demonstrate a coupling modulator using strongly index-changeable materials enabling compact and high-performing modulators using semiconductor foundry-near materials.
