A One-Dimensional Discrete Boltzmann Model for Detonation and an Abnormal Detonation Phenomenon

Abstract in English

A one-dimensional discrete Boltzmann model for detonation simulation is presented. Instead of numerical solving Navier-Stokes equations, this model obtains the information of flow field through numerical solving specially discretized Boltzmann equation. Several classical benchmarks including Sod shock wave tube, Colella explosion problem, and one-dimensional self-sustainable stable detonation are simulated to validate the new model. Based on the new model, the influence of negative temperature coefficient of reaction rate on detonation is further investigated. It is found that an abnormal detonation with two wave heads periodically appears under negative temperature coefficient condition. The causes of the abnormal detonation are analyzed. One typical cycle of the periodic abnormal detonation and its development process are discussed.
