Crossover phenomena in the critical behavior for long-range models with power-law couplings

Abstract in English

This is a short review of the two papers on the $x$-space asymptotics of the critical two-point function $G_{p_c}(x)$ for the long-range models of self-avoiding walk, percolation and the Ising model on $mathbb{Z}^d$, defined by the translation-invariant power-law step-distribution/coupling $D(x)propto|x|^{-d-alpha}$ for some $alpha>0$. Let $S_1(x)$ be the random-walk Green function generated by $D$. We have shown that $bullet~~S_1(x)$ changes its asymptotic behavior from Newton ($alpha>2$) to Riesz ($alpha<2$), with log correction at $alpha=2$; $bullet~~G_{p_c}(x)simfrac{A}{p_c}S_1(x)$ as $|x|toinfty$ in dimensions higher than (or equal to, if $alpha=2$) the upper critical dimension $d_c$ (with sufficiently large spread-out parameter $L$). The model-dependent $A$ and $d_c$ exhibit crossover at $alpha=2$. The keys to the proof are (i) detailed analysis on the underlying random walk to derive sharp asymptotics of $S_1$, (ii) bounds on convolutions of power functions (with log corrections, if $alpha=2$) to optimally control the lace-expansion coefficients $pi_p^{(n)}$, and (iii) probabilistic interpretation (valid only when $alphale2$) of the convolution of $D$ and a function $varPi_p$ of the alternating series $sum_{n=0}^infty(-1)^npi_p^{(n)}$. We outline the proof, emphasizing the above key elements for percolation in particular.
