UBe13 and U1-xThxBe13: Unconventional Superconductors

Abstract in English

UBe13 was the second discovered heavy fermion superconductor, and numerous pieces of evidence exist that imply that it is an unconventional (non-BCS, non-s wave pairing symmetry) superconductor. Exhibiting even more signs of unconventional superconductivity, Th-doped UBe13 is perhaps the most puzzling of any of the unconventional superconductors. This review considers both the parent, undoped compound as well as the more interesting Th-doped UBe13. After summarizing the rather thorough characterization, which because of the interest in these compounds has continued from their discovery in 1983 and 1984 to date, these properties are compared with a recent template for determining whether a superconductor is unconventional. Finally, further experiments are suggested.
