Two-dimensional mutual synchronization in spin Hall nano-oscillator arrays

Abstract in English

Spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) utilize pure spin currents to drive local regions of magnetic films and nanostructures into auto-oscillating precession. If such regions are placed in close proximity to each other they can interact and sometimes mutually synchronize, in pairs or in short linear chains. Here we demonstrate robust mutual synchronization of two-dimensional SHNO arrays ranging from 2 x 2 to 8 x 8 nano-constrictions, observed both electrically and using micro-Brillouin Light Scattering microscopy. The signal quality factor, $Q=f/Delta f$, increases linearly with number of mutually synchronized nano-constrictions ($N$), reaching 170,000 in the largest arrays. While the microwave peak power first increases as $N^2$, it eventually levels off, indicating a non-zero relative phase shift between nano-constrictions. Our demonstration will enable the use of SHNO arrays in two-dimensional oscillator networks for high-quality microwave signal generation and neuromorphic computing.
