Orbital Motion of the Wide Planetary-Mass Companion GSC 6214-210 b: No Evidence for Dynamical Scattering

Abstract in English

Direct-imaging exoplanet surveys have discovered a class of 5-20 Mjupspace substellar companions at separations >100 AU from their host stars, which present a challenge to planet and star formation models. Detailed analysis of the orbital architecture of these systems can provide constraints on possible formation mechanisms, including the possibility they were dynamically ejected onto a wide orbit. We present astrometry for the wide planetary-mass companion GSC~6214-210,b (240 AU; $approx$14 Mjup) obtained using NIRC2 with adaptive optics at the Keck telescope over ten years. Our measurements achieved astrometric uncertainties of $approx$1 mas per epoch. We determined a relative motion of $1.12 pm 0.15$~mas~yr$^{-1}$ (0.61 $pm$ 0.09 km s$^{-1}$), the first detection of orbital motion for this companion. We compute the minimum periastron for the companion due to our measured velocity vector, and derive constraints on orbital parameters through our modified implementation of the Orbits for the Impatient rejection sampling algorithm. We find that close periastron orbits, which could indicate the companion was dynamically scattered, are present in our posterior but have low likelihoods. For all orbits in our posterior, we assess the detectability of close-in companions that could have scattered GSC~6214-210,b from a closer orbit, and find that most potential scatterers would have been detected in previous imaging. We conclude that formation at small orbital separation and subsequent dynamical scattering through interaction with another potential close-in object is an unlikely formation pathway for this companion. We also update stellar and substellar properties for the system due to the new parallax from textit{Gaia} DR2.
