Nonlinear-in-spin effects in effective-one-body waveform models of spin-aligned, inspiralling, neutron star binaries

Abstract in English

Spinning neutron stars acquire a quadrupole moment due to their own rotation. This quadratic-in-spin, self-spin effect depends on the equation of state (EOS) and affects the orbital motion and rate of inspiral of neutron star binaries. We incorporate the EOS-dependent self-spin (or monopole-quadrupole) terms in the spin-aligned effective-one-body (EOB) waveform model TEOBResumS at next-to-next-to-leading (NNLO) order, together with other (bilinear, cubic and quartic) nonlinear-in-spin effects (at leading order, LO). The structure of the Hamiltonian of TEOBResumS is such that it already incorporates, in the binary black hole case, the recently computed quartic-in-spin LO term. Using the gauge-invariant characterization of the phasing provided by the function $Q_omega=omega^2/dot{omega}$ of $omega=2pi f$ , where $f$ is the gravitational wave frequency, we study the EOS dependence of the self-spin effects and show that: (i) the next-to-leading order (NLO) and NNLO monopole-quadrupole corrections yield increasingly phase-accelerating effects compared to the corresponding LO contribution; (ii) the standard TaylorF2 post-Newtonian (PN) treatment of NLO (3PN) EOS-dependent self-spin effects makes their action stronger than the corresponding EOB description; (iii) the addition to the standard 3PN TaylorF2 post-Newtonian phasing description of self-spin tail effects at LO allows one to reconcile the self-spin part of the TaylorF2 PN phasing with the corresponding TEOBResumS one up to dimensionless frequencies $Momegasimeq 0.04-0.06$. By generating the inspiral dynamics using the post-adiabatic approximation, incorporated in a new implementation of TEOBResumS, one finds that the computational time needed to obtain a typical waveform (including all multipoles up to $ell=8$) from 10 Hz is of the order of 0.4 sec.
