Domain wall-based spin-Hall nano-oscillators

Abstract in English

In the last decade, two revolutionary concepts in nano magnetism emerged from research for storage technologies and advanced information processing. The first suggests the use of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in ferromagnetic nanowires to permanently store information in DW racetrack memories. The second proposes a hardware realisation of neuromorphic computing in nanomagnets using nonlinear magnetic oscillations in the GHz range. Both ideas originate from the transfer of angular momentum from conduction electrons to localised spins in ferromagnets, either to push data encoded in DWs along nanowires or to sustain magnetic oscillations in artificial neurones. Even though both concepts share a common ground, they live on very different time scales which rendered them incompatible so far. Here, we bridge both ideas by demonstrating the excitation of magnetic auto-oscillations inside nano-scale DWs using pure spin currents.
