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A fast synthetic iterative scheme for the stationary phonon Boltzmann transport equation

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 Added by Chuang Zhang
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper, a fast synthetic iterative scheme is developed to accelerate convergence for the implicit DOM based on the stationary phonon BTE. The key innovative point of the present scheme is the introduction of the macroscopic synthetic diffusion equation for the temperature, which is obtained from the zero- and first-order moment equations of the phonon BTE. The synthetic diffusion equation, which is asymptomatically preserving to the Fouriers heat conduction equation in the diffusive regime, contains a term related to the Fouriers law and a term determined by the second-order moment of the distribution function that reflects the non-Fourier heat transfer. The mesoscopic kinetic equation and macroscopic diffusion equations are tightly coupled together, because the diffusion equation provides the temperature for the BTE, while the BTE provides the high-order moment to the diffusion equation to describe the non-Fourier heat transfer. This synthetic iterative scheme strengthens the coupling of all phonons in the phase space to facilitate the fast convergence from the diffusive to ballistic regimes. Typical numerical tests in one-, two-, and three-dimensional problems demonstrate that our scheme can describe the multiscale heat transfer problems accurately and efficiently. For all test cases convergence is reached within one hundred iteration steps, which is one to three orders of magnitude faster than the traditional implicit DOM in the near-diffusive regime.

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The direct simulation of the dynamics of second sound in graphitic materials remains a challenging task due to lack of methodology for solving the phonon Boltzmann equation in such a stiff hydrodynamic regime. In this work, we aim to tackle this challenge by developing a multiscale numerical scheme for the transient phonon Boltzmann equation under Callaways dual relaxation model which captures well the collective phonon kinetics. Comparing to traditional numerical methods, the present multiscale scheme is efficient, accurate and stable in all transport regimes attributed to avoiding the use of time and spatial steps smaller than the relaxation time and mean free path of phonons. The formation, propagation and composition of ballistic pulses and second sound in graphene ribbon in two classical paradigms for experimental detection are investigated via the multiscale scheme. The second sound is declared to be mainly contributed by ZA phonon modes, whereas the ballistic pulses are mainly contributed by LA and TA phonon modes. The influence of temperature, isotope abundance and ribbon size on the second sound propagation is also explored. The speed of second sound in the observation window is found to be at most 20 percentages smaller than the theoretical value in hydrodynamic limit due to the finite umklapp, isotope and edge resistive scattering. The present study will contribute to not only the solution methodology of phonon Boltzmann equation, but also the physics of transient hydrodynamic phonon transport as guidance for future experimental detection.
57 - Wei Su , Lianhua Zhu , Lei Wu 2020
Recently the general synthetic iteration scheme (GSIS) is proposed to find the steady-state solution of the Boltzmann equation~cite{SuArXiv2019}, where various numerical simulations have shown that (i) the steady-state solution can be found within dozens of iterations at any Knudsen number $K$, and (ii) the solution is accurate even when the spatial cell size in the bulk region is much larger than the molecular mean free path, i.e. Navier-Stokes solutions are recovered at coarse grids. The first property indicates that the error decay rate between two consecutive iterations decreases to zero with $K$, while the second one implies that the GSIS is asymptotically preserving the Navier-Stokes limit. This paper is dedicated to the rigorous proof of both properties.
We study the asymptotics of solutions of the Boltzmann equation describing the kinetic limit of a lattice of classical interacting anharmonic oscillators. We prove that, if the initial condition is a small perturbation of an equilibrium state, and vanishes at infinity, the dynamics tends diffusively to equilibrium. The solution is the sum of a local equilibrium state, associated to conserved quantities that diffuse to zero, and fast variables that are slaved to the slow ones. This slaving implies the Fourier law, which relates the induced currents to the gradients of the conserved quantities.
267 - Q. Li , Y. L. He , G. H. Tang 2010
This paper proposes an improved lattice Boltzmann scheme for incompressible axisymmetric flows. The scheme has the following features. First, it is still within the framework of the standard lattice Boltzmann method using the single-particle density distribution function and consistent with the philosophy of the lattice Boltzmann method. Second, the source term of the scheme is simple and contains no velocity gradient terms. Owing to this feature, the scheme is easy to implement. In addition, the singularity problem at the axis can be appropriately handled without affecting an important advantage of the lattice Boltzmann method: the easy treatment of boundary conditions. The scheme is tested by simulating Hagen-Poiseuille flow, three-dimensional Womersley flow, Wheeler benchmark problem in crystal growth, and lid-driven rotational flow in cylindrical cavities. It is found that the numerical results agree well with the analytical solutions and/or the results reported in previous studies.
72 - Y. Yu , Q. Li , 2019
The lattice Boltzmann (LB) method has gained much success in a variety of fields involving fluid flow and/or heat transfer. In this method, the bounce-back scheme is a popular boundary scheme for treating nonslip boundaries. However, this scheme leads to staircase-shaped boundaries for curved walls. Therefore many curved boundary schemes have been proposed, but mostly suffer from mass leakage at the curved boundaries. Several correction schemes have been suggested for simulating single-phase flows, but very few discussions or studies have been made for two-phase LB simulations with curved boundaries. In this paper, the performance of three well-known types of curved boundary schemes in two-phase LB simulations is investigated through modeling a droplet resting on a circular cylinder. For all of the investigated schemes, the results show that the simulated droplet rapidly evaporates under the nonslip and isothermal conditions, owing to the imbalance between the mass streamed out of the system by the outgoing distribution functions and the mass streamed into the system by the incoming distribution functions at each boundary node. Based on the numerical investigation, we formulate two modified mass-conservative curved boundary schemes for two-phase LB simulations. The accuracy of the modified curved boundary schemes and their capability of conserving mass in two-phase LB simulations are numerically demonstrated.
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