Orbital angular momentum bistability in a microlaser

Abstract in English

Lights orbital angular momentum (OAM) is an unbounded degree of freedom emerging in helical beams that appears very advantageous technologically. Using a chiral microlaser, i.e. an integrated device that allows generating an emission carrying a net OAM, we demonstrate a regime of bistability involving two modes presenting distinct OAM (L = 0 and L = 2). Furthermore, thanks to an engineered spin-orbit coupling of light in the device, these modes also exhibit distinct polarization patterns, i.e. cirular and azimuthal polarizations. Using a dynamical model of rate euqations, we show that this bistability arises from polarization-dependent saturation of the gain medium. Such a bistable regime appears very promising for implementing ultrafast optical switches based on the OAM of light. As well, it paves the way to the exploration of dynamical processes involving phase and polarization vortices.
