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Conceptualizing Business Process Maps

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 Added by Geert Poels
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Process maps provide a high-level overview of an organisations business processes. While used for many years in different shapes and forms, there is little shared understanding of the concept and its relationship to enterprise architecture. In this report we position the concept of business process map within the domain of enterprise architecture. Based on literature, we provide a conceptualisation of the process map as a business process architecture model that can be integrated with the broader enterprise architecture model. From our conceptualisation we derive requirements for designing a meta-model of a modelling language for process maps. The design of this meta-model is the subject of a research paper, entitled Architecting Business Process Maps, for which this report acts as a complement that details the underlying process map conceptualisation.

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Blockchain technology promises a sizable potential for executing inter-organizational business processes without requiring a central party serving as a single point of trust (and failure). This paper analyzes its impact on business process management (BPM). We structure the discussion using two BPM frameworks, namely the six BPM core capabilities and the BPM lifecycle. This paper provides research directions for investigating the application of blockchain technology to BPM.
311 - M. Abel , D.L. Shepelyansky 2010
Development of efficient business process models and determination of their characteristic properties are subject of intense interdisciplinary research. Here, we consider a business process model as a directed graph. Its nodes correspond to the units identified by the modeler and the link direction indicates the causal dependencies between units. It is of primary interest to obtain the stationary flow on such a directed graph, which corresponds to the steady-state of a firm during the business process. Following the ideas developed recently for the World Wide Web, we construct the Google matrix for our business process model and analyze its spectral properties. The importance of nodes is characterized by Page-Rank and recently proposed CheiRank and 2DRank, respectively. The results show that this two-dimensional ranking gives a significant information about the influence and communication properties of business model units. We argue that the Google matrix method, described here, provides a new efficient tool helping companies to make their decisions on how to evolve in the exceedingly dynamic global market.
The main goal of this paper is to discuss how to integrate the possibilities of crowdsourcing platforms with systems supporting workflow to enable the engagement and interaction with business tasks of a wider group of people. Thus, this work is an attempt to expand the functional capabilities of typical business systems by allowing selected process tasks to be performed by unlimited human resources. Opening business tasks to crowdsourcing, within established Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) will improve the flexibility of company processes and allow for lower work-load and greater specialization among the staff employed on-site. The presented conceptual work is based on the current international standards in this field, promoted by Workflows Management Coalition. To this end, the functioning of business platforms was analysed and their functionality was presented visually, followed by a proposal and a discussion of how to implement crowdsourcing into workflow systems.
Blockchain has attracted broad interests to build decentralised applications. Blockchain has attracted broad interests to build decentralised applications. However, developing such applications without introducing vulnerabilities is hard for developers, not the least because the deployed code is immutable and can be called by anyone with access to the network. Model-driven engineering (MDE) helps to reduce those risks, by combining proven code snippets as per the model specification, which is easier to understand than source code. Therefore, in this paper, we present an approach for integrated MDE across business processes and asset management (e.g. for settlement). Our approach includes methods for fungible/non-fungible asset registration, escrow for conditional payment, and asset swap. The proposed MDE approach is implemented in a smart contract generation tool called Lorikeet, and evaluated in terms of feasibility, functional correctness, and cost effectiveness.
Testing processes and workflows in information and Internet of Things systems is a major part of the typical software testing effort. Consistent and efficient path-based test cases are desired to support these tests. Because certain parts of software system workflows have a higher business priority than others, this fact has to be involved in the generation of test cases. In this paper, we propose a Prioritized Process Test (PPT), which is a model-based test case generation algorithm that represents an alternative to currently established algorithms that use directed graphs and test requirements to model the system under test. The PPT accepts a directed multigraph as a model to express priorities, and edge weights are used instead of test requirements. To determine the test-coverage level of test cases, a test-depth-level concept is used. We compared the presented PPT with five alternatives (i.e., the Process Cycle Test, a naive reduction of test set created by the Process Cycle Test, Brute Force algorithm, Set-covering Based Solution and Matching-based Prefix Graph Solution) for edge coverage and edge-pair coverage. To assess the optimality of the path-based test cases produced by these strategies, we used fourteen metrics based on the properties of these test cases and 59 models that were created for three real-world systems. For all edge coverage, the PPT produced more optimal test cases than the alternatives in terms of the majority of the metrics. For edge-pair coverage, the PPT strategy yielded similar results to those of the alternatives. Thus, the PPT strategy is an applicable alternative, as it reflects both the required test coverage level and the business priority in parallel.
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