Accurate Evaluation of $mathcal{P}$,$mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday Effect in Atoms of Xe and Hg

Abstract in English

Accurate evaluation of the $mathcal{P}$,$mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect (rotation of the polarization plane for the light propagating through a medium in presence of an external electric field) is presented. This effect can arise only due to the $mathcal{P}$,$mathcal{T}$-odd interactions and is different from the ordinary Faraday effect, i.e. the light polarization plane rotation in an external magnetic field. The rotation angle is evaluated for the ICAS (intracavity absorption spectroscopy) type experiments with Xe and Hg atoms. The results show that Hg atom may become a good candidate for a search for the $mathcal{P}$,$mathcal{T}$-odd effects in atomic physics.
