A reciprocal branching problem for automorphic representations and global Vogan packets

Abstract in English

Let $G$ be a group and $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. The classical branching rule (or symmetry breaking) asks: For an irreducible representation $pi$ of $G$, determine the occurrence of an irreducible representation $sigma$ of $H$ in the restriction of $pi$ to $H$. The reciprocal branching problem of this classical branching problem is to ask: For an irreducible representation $sigma$ of $H$, find an irreducible representation $pi$ of $G$ such that $sigma$ occurs in the restriction of $pi$ to $H$. For automorphic representations of classical groups, the branching problem has been addressed by the well-known global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture. In this paper, we investigate the reciprocal branching problem for automorphic representations of special orthogonal groups using the twisted automorphic descent method as developed in [JZ15]. The method may be applied to other classical groups as well.
