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Classical Channel Gravity in the Newtonian Limit

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 Added by Kiran Khosla
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a minimal model for the quantum evolution of matter under the influence of classical gravity in the Newtonian limit. Based on a continuous measurement-feedback channel that acts simultaneously on all constituent masses of a given quantum system, the model scales and applies consistently to arbitrary mass densities, and it recovers the classical Newton force between macroscopic masses. The concomitant loss of coherence is set by a model parameter, does not depend on mass, and can thus be confined to unobservable time scales for micro- and macroscopic systems alike. The model can be probed in high-precision matter-wave interferometry, and ultimately tested in recently proposed optomechanical quantum gravity experiments.

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The amount of information transmissible through a communications channel is determined by the noise characteristics of the channel and by the quantities of available transmission resources. In classical information theory, the amount of transmissible information can be increased twice at most when the transmission resource (e.g. the code length, the bandwidth, the signal power) is doubled for fixed noise characteristics. In quantum information theory, however, the amount of information transmitted can increase even more than twice. We present a proof-of-principle demonstration of this super-additivity of classical capacity of a quantum channel by using the ternary symmetric states of a single photon, and by event selection from a weak coherent light source. We also show how the super-additive coding gain, even in a small code length, can boost the communication performance of conventional coding technique.
Recently D. Vollick [Phys. Rev. D68, 063510 (2003)] has shown that the inclusion of the 1/R curvature terms in the gravitational action and the use of the Palatini formalism offer an alternative explanation for cosmological acceleration. In this work we show not only that this model of Vollick does not have a good Newtonian limit, but also that any f(R) theory with a pole of order n in R=0 and its second derivative respect to R evaluated at Ro is not zero, where Ro is the scalar curvature of background, does not have a good Newtonian limit.
Newtonian gravity yields specific observable consequences, the most striking of which is the emergence of a $1/r^2$ force. In so far as communication can arise via such interactions between distant particles, we can ask what would be expected for a theory of gravity that only allows classical communication. Many heuristic suggestions for gravity-induced decoherence have this restriction implicitly or explicitly in their construction. Here we show that communication via a $1/r^2$ force has a minimum noise induced in the system when the communication cannot convey quantum information, in a continuous time analogue to Bells inequalities. Our derived noise bounds provide tight constraints from current experimental results on any theory of gravity that does not allow quantum communication.
199 - R. Prevedel , Y. Lu , W. Matthews 2010
We present and experimentally demonstrate a communication protocol that employs shared entanglement to reduce errors when sending a bit over a particular noisy classical channel. Specifically, it is shown that, given a single use of this channel, one can transmit a bit with higher success probability when sender and receiver share entanglement compared to the best possible strategy when they do not. The experiment is realized using polarization-entangled photon pairs, whose quantum correlations play a critical role in both the encoding and decoding of the classical message. Experimentally, we find that a bit can be successfully transmitted with probability 0.891 pm 0.002, which is close to the theoretical maximum of (2 + 2^-1/2)/3 simeq 0.902 and is significantly above the optimal classical strategy, which yields 5/6 simeq 0.833.
The notion of time is given a different footing in Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, treated as a parameter in the former and being an observer dependent property in the later. From a operational point of view time is simply the correlation between a system and a clock, where an idealized clock can be modelled as a two level systems. We investigate the dynamics of clocks interacting gravitationally by treating the gravitational interaction as a classical information channel. In particular, we focus on the decoherence rates and temporal resolution of arrays of $N$ clocks showing how the minimum dephasing rate scales with $N$, and the spatial configuration. Furthermore, we consider the gravitational redshift between a clock and massive particle and show that a classical channel model of gravity predicts a finite dephasing rate from the non-local interaction. In our model we obtain a fundamental limitation in time accuracy that is intrinsic to each clock.
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