Quantifying error and leakage in an encoded Si/SiGe triple-dot qubit

Abstract in English

Quantum computation requires qubits that satisfy often-conflicting criteria, including scalable control and long-lasting coherence. One approach to creating a suitable qubit is to operate in an encoded subspace of several physical qubits. Though such encoded qubits may be particularly susceptible to leakage out of their computational subspace, they can be insensitive to certain noise processes and can also allow logical control with a single type of entangling interaction while maintaining favorable features of the underlying physical system. Here we demonstrate a qubit encoded in a subsystem of three coupled electron spins confined in gated, isotopically enhanced silicon quantum dots. Using a modified blind randomized benchmarking protocol that determines both computational and leakage errors, we show that unitary operations have an average total error of 0.35%, with 0.17% of that coming from leakage driven by interactions with substrate nuclear spins. This demonstration utilizes only the voltage-controlled exchange interaction for qubit manipulation and highlights the operational benefits of encoded subsystems, heralding the realization of high-quality encoded multi-qubit operations.
