Search for Tri-Nucleon Decay in the Majorana Demonstrator

Abstract in English

The Majorana Demonstrator is an ultra low-background experiment searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay in $^{76}$Ge. The heavily shielded array of germanium detectors, placed nearly a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, also allows searches for new exotic physics. We present the first limits for tri-nucleon decay-specific modes and invisible decay modes for Ge isotopes. We find a half-life limit of $4.9 times 10^{25}$ yr for the decay $^{76}{rm Ge(ppn)} to {}^{73}{rm Zn} e^+pi^+$ and $4.7times10^{25}$ yr for the decay $^{76}{rm Ge(ppp)} to ^{73}{rm Cu} e^+pi^+pi^+$. The half-life limit for the invisible tri-proton decay mode of $^{76}$Ge was found to be $7.5times10^{24}$ yr.
