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Let $f_0(z) = exp(z/(1-z))$, $f_1(z) = exp(1/(1-z))E_1(1/(1-z))$, where $E_1(x) = int_x^infty e^{-t}t^{-1}{,d}t$. Let $a_n = [z^n]f_0(z)$ and $b_n = [z^n]f_1(z)$ be the corresponding Maclaurin series coefficients. We show that $a_n$ and $b_n$ may be expressed in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the sequences $(a_n)$ and $(b_n)$ as $n to infty$, showing that they are closely related, and proving a conjecture of Bruno Salvy regarding $(b_n)$. Let $rho_n = a_n b_n$, so $sum rho_n z^n = (f_0,odot f_1)(z)$ is a Hadamard product. We obtain an asymptotic expansion $2n^{3/2}rho_n sim -sum d_k n^{-k}$ as $n to infty$, where the $d_kinmathbb Q$, $d_0=1$. We conjecture that $2^{6k}d_k in mathbb Z$. This has been verified for $k le 1000$.
We call a polynomial monogenic if a root $theta$ has the property that $mathbb{Z}[theta]$ is the full ring of integers in $mathbb{Q}(theta)$. Consider the two families of trinomials $x^n + ax + b$ and $x^n + cx^{n-1} + d$. For any $n>2$, we show that these families are monogenic infinitely often and give some positive densities in terms of the coefficients. When $n=5$ or 6 and when a certain factor of the discriminant is square-free, we use the Montes algorithm to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for monogeneity, illuminating more general criteria given by Jakhar, Khanduja, and Sangwan using other methods. Along the way we remark on the equivalence of certain aspects of the Montes algorithm and Dedekinds index criterion.
In this paper, we confirm the following conjecture of Guo and Schlosser: for any odd integer $n>1$ and $M=(n+1)/2$ or $n-1$, $$ sum_{k=0}^{M}[4k-1]_{q^2}[4k-1]^2frac{(q^{-2};q^4)_k^4}{(q^4;q^4)_k^4}q^{4k}equiv (2q+2q^{-1}-1)[n]_{q^2}^4pmod{[n]_{q^2}^4Phi_n(q^2)}, $$ where $[n]=[n]_q=(1-q^n)/(1-q),(a;q)_0=1,(a;q)_k=(1-a)(1-aq)cdots(1-aq^{k-1})$ for $kgeq 1$ and $Phi_n(q)$ denotes the $n$-th cyclotomic polynomial.
Using arithmetic jet spaces, we attach perfectoid spaces to smooth schemes and to $delta$-morphisms of smooth schemes. We also study perfectoid spaces attached to arithmetic differential equations defined by some of the remarkable $delta$-morphisms appearing in the theory such as the $delta$-characters of elliptic curves and the $delta$-period map on modular curves.
We embed the somewhat unusual multiplicative function, which was serendipitously discovered in 2010 during a study of mutually unbiased bases in the Hilbert space of quantum physics, into two families of multiplicative functions that we construct as generalizations of that particular example. In addition, we report yet another multiplicative function, which is also suggested by that example; it can be used to express the squarefree part of an integer in terms of an exponential sum.
Let $p$ be a prime number and $F$ a totally real number field. For each prime $mathfrak{p}$ of $F$ above $p$ we construct a Hecke operator $T_mathfrak{p}$ acting on $(mathrm{mod}, p^m)$ Katz Hilbert modular classes which agrees with the classical Hecke operator at $mathfrak{p}$ for global sections that lift to characteristic zero. Using these operators and the techniques of patching complexes of F. Calegari and D. Geraghty we prove that the Galois representations arising from torsion Hilbert modular classes of parallel weight ${bf 1}$ are unramified at $p$ when $[F:mathbb Q]=2$. Some partial and some conjectural results are obtained when $[F:mathbb Q]>2$.