Fast Radio Bursts From Primordial Black Hole Binaries Coalescence

Abstract in English

In this paper we propose the model that the coalescence of primordial black holes (PBHs) binaries with equal mass $M sim 10^{28}$g can emit luminous gigahertz (GHz) radio transient, which may be candidate sources for the observed fast radio bursts (FRBs), if at least one black hole holds appropriate amount of net electric charge $Q$. Using a dimensionless quantity for the charge $q = Q/sqrt{G}M$, our analyses infer that $qsim O(10^{-4.5})$ can explain the FRBs with released energy of order $O(10^{40}) {rm ergs}$. With the current sample of FRBs and assuming a distribution of charge $phi(q)$ for all PBHs, we can deduce that its form is proportional to $q^{-3.0pm0.1}$ for $qgeq 7.2times10^{-5}$ if PBHs are sources of the observed FRBs. Furthermore, with the proposed hypothetical scenario and by estimating the local event rate of FRBs $sim 2.6 times 10^3 {rm Gpc}^{-3} {rm yr}^{-1}$, one derives a lower bound for the fraction of PBHs (at the mass of $10^{28}$g) against that of matter $f_{rm PBH}(10^{28}{rm g})$ $gtrsim 10^{-5}$ needed to explain the rate. With this inspiring estimate, we expect that future observations of FRBs can help to falsify their physical origins from the PBH binaries coalescences. In the future, the gravitational waves produced by mergers of small black holes can be detected by high frequency gravitational wave detectors. We believe that this work would be a useful addition to the current literature on multimessenger astronomy and cosmology.
