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What have we learnt from pulsations of B-type stars?

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We review the main results obtained from our seismic studies of B-type main sequence pulsators, based on the ground-based, MOST, Kepler and BRITE observations. Important constraints on stellar opacities, convective overshooting and rotation are derived. In each studied case, a significant modification of the opacity profile at the depths corresponding to the temperature range $log{T}in (5.0-5.5)$ is indispensable to explain all pulsational properties. In particular, a huge amount of opacity (at least 200%) at the depth of the temperature $log T = 5.46$ (the nickel opacity) has to be added in early B-type stellar models to account for low frequencies which correspond to high-order g modes. The values of the overshooting parameter, $alpha_{rm ov}$, from our seismic studies is below 0.3. In the case of a few stars, the deeper interiors have to rotate faster to get the g-mode instability in the whole observed range.

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