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Self-testing represents the strongest form of certification of a quantum system. Here we investigate theoretically and experimentally the question of self-testing non-projective quantum measurements. That is, how can one certify, from observed data only, that an uncharacterised measurement device implements a desired non-projective positive-operator-valued-measure (POVM). We consider a prepare-and-measure scenario with a bound on the Hilbert space dimension, which we argue is natural for this problem since any measurement can be made projective by artificially increasing the Hilbert space dimension. We develop methods for (i) robustly self-testing extremal qubit POVMs (which feature either three or four outcomes), and (ii) certify that an uncharacterised qubit measurement is non-projective, or even a genuine four-outcome POVM. Our methods are robust to noise and thus applicable in practice, as we demonstrate in a photonic experiment. Specifically, we show that our experimental data implies that the implemented measurements are very close to certain ideal three and four outcome qubit POVMs, and hence non-projective. In the latter case, the data certifies a genuine four-outcome qubit POVM. Our results open interesting perspective for strong `black-box certification of quantum devices.
We consider the problem of certification of arbitrary ensembles of pure states and projective measurements solely from the experimental statistics in the prepare-and-measure scenario assuming the upper bound on the dimension of the Hilbert space. To this aim, we propose a universal and intuitive scheme based on establishing perfect correlations between target states and suitably-chosen projective measurements. The method works in all finite dimensions and allows for robust certification of the overlaps between arbitrary preparation states and between the corresponding measurement operators. Finally, we prove that for qubits, our technique can be used to robustly self-test arbitrary configurations of pure quantum states and projective measurements. These results pave the way towards the practical application of the prepare-and-measure paradigm to certification of quantum devices.
Contextuality has been identified as a potential resource responsible for the quantum advantage in several tasks. It is then necessary to develop a resource-theoretic framework for contextuality, both in its standard and generalized forms. Here we provide a formal resource-theoretic approach for generalized contextuality based on a physically motivated set of free operations with an explicit parametrisation. Then, using an efficient linear programming characterization for the contextual set of prepared-and-measured statistics, we adapt known resource quantifiers for contextuality and nonlocality to obtain natural monotones for generalized contextuality in arbitrary prepare-and-measure experiments.
We investigate the correlations that can arise between Alice and Bob in prepare-and-measure communication scenarios where the source (Alice) and the measurement device (Bob) can share prior entanglement. The paradigmatic example of such a scenario is the quantum dense coding protocol, where the communication capacity of a qudit can be doubled if a two-qudit entangled state is shared between Alice and Bob. We provide examples of correlations that actually require more general protocols based on higher-dimensional entangled states. This motivates us to investigate the set of correlations that can be obtained from communicating either a classical or a quantum $d$-dimensional system in the presence of an unlimited amount of entanglement. We show how such correlations can be characterized by a hierarchy of semidefinite programming relaxations by reducing the problem to a non-commutative polynomial optimization problem. We also introduce an alternative relaxation hierarchy based on the notion of informationally-restricted quantum correlations, which, though it represents a strict (non-converging) relaxation scheme, is less computationally demanding. As an application, we introduce device-independent tests of the dimension of classical and quantum systems that, in contrast to previous results, do not make the implicit assumption that Alice and Bob share no entanglement. We also establish several relations between communication with and without entanglement as resources for creating correlations.
Entanglement and quantum communication are paradigmatic resources in quantum information science leading to correlations between systems that have no classical analogue. Correlations due to entanglement when communication is absent have for long been studied in Bell scenarios. Correlations due to quantum communication when entanglement is absent have been studied extensively in prepare-and-measure scenarios in the last decade. Here, following up on a recent companion paper [arXiv:2103.10748], we set out to understand and investigate correlations in scenarios that involve both entanglement and communication, focusing on entanglement-assisted prepare-and-measure scenarios. We establish several elementary relations between standard classical and quantum communication and their entanglement-assisted counterparts. In particular, while it was already known that bits or qubits assisted by two-qubit entanglement between the sender and receiver constitute a stronger resource than bare bits or qubits, we show that higher-dimensional entanglement further enhance the power of bits or qubits. We also provide a characterisation of generalised dense coding protocols, a natural subset of entanglement-assisted quantum communication protocols, finding that they can be understood as standard quantum communication protocols in real-valued Hilbert space. Though such dense coding protocols can convey up to two bits of information, we provide evidence, perhaps counter-intuitively, that resources with a small information capacity, such as a bare qutrits, can sometimes produce stronger correlations. Along the way we leave several conjectures and conclude with a list of interesting open problems.
A solution to the second measurement problem, determining what prior microscopic properties can be inferred from measurement outcomes (pointer positions), is worked out for projective and generalized (POVM) measurements, using consistent histories. The result supports the idea that equipment properly designed and calibrated reveals the properties it was designed to measure. Applications include Einsteins hemisphere and Wheelers delayed choice paradoxes, and a method for analyzing weak measurements without recourse to weak values. Quantum measurements are noncontextual in the original sense employed by Bell and Mermin: if $[A,B]=[A,C]=0,, [B,C] eq 0$, the outcome of an $A$ measurement does not depend on whether it is measured with $B$ or with $C$. An application to Bohms model of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen situation suggests that a faulty understanding of quantum measurements is at the root of this paradox.