Dissipative entanglement preparation via Rydberg antiblockade and Lyapunov control

Abstract in English

Preparation of entangled steady states via dissipation and pumping in Rydberg atoms has been recently found to be useful for quantum information processing. The driven-dissipative dynamics is closely related to the natural linewidth of the Rydberg states and can be usually modulated by engineering the thermal reservior. Instead of modifying the effectively radiative decay, we propose an alternatively optimized scheme, which combines the resonant Rydberg antiblockade excitation and the Lyapunov control of the ground states to speed up the prepration of the singlet state for two interacting Rydberg atoms. The acceleration process strongly depends on the initial state of the system with respect to the initial coherence between the singlet state and decoherence-sensitive bright state. We study the optimal parameter regime for fast entanglement preparation and the robustness of the fidelity against random noises. The numerical results show that a fidelity above 0.99 can be achieved around 0.4 ms with the current experimental parameters. The scheme may be generalized for preparation of more complicate multi-atom entangled states.
