Classification of first order sesquilinear forms

Abstract in English

A natural way to obtain a system of partial differential equations on a manifold is to vary a suitably defined sesquilinear form. The sesquilinear forms we study are Hermitian forms acting on sections of the trivial $mathbb{C}^n$-bundle over a smooth $m$-dimensional manifold without boundary. More specifically, we are concerned with first order sesquilinear forms, namely, those generating first order systems. Our goal is to classify such forms up to $GL(n,mathbb{C})$ gauge equivalence. We achieve this classification in the special case of $m=4$ and $n=2$ by means of geometric and topological invariants (e.g. Lorentzian metric, spin/spin$^c$ structure, electromagnetic covector potential) naturally contained within the sesquilinear form - a purely analytic object. Essential to our approach is the interplay of techniques from analysis, geometry, and topology.
