Oscillating quadrupole effects in high precision metrology

Abstract in English

The influence of oscillating quadrupole fields on atomic energy levels is examined theoretically and general expressions for the quadrupole matrix elements are given. The results are relevant to any ion-based clock in which one of the clock states supports a quadrupole moment. Clock shifts are estimated for $^{176}$Lu$^+$ and indicate that coupling to the quadrupole field would not be a limitation to clock accuracy at the $lesssim10^{-19}$ level. Nevertheless, a method is suggested that would allow this shift to be calibrated. This method utilises a resonant quadrupole coupling that enables the quadrupole moment of the atom to be measured. A proof-of-principle demonstration is given using $^{138}$Ba$^+$, in which the quadrupole moment of the $D_{5/2}$ state is estimated to be $Theta=3.229(89) e a_0^2$.
