No Stripped Companion Material in the Nebular Spectrum of the Two-Component Type Ia Supernova ASASSN-18bt

Abstract in English

We analyze a KeckI/LRIS nebular spectrum taken 268 days after $B$-band maximum of ASASSN-18bt (SN~2018oh), a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) observed by {it K2} at the time of explosion. ASASSN-18bt exhibited a two-component rise to peak brightness, possibly the signature of an interaction between the SN ejecta and a large ($gtrsim 20~R_odot$) nearby, non-degenerate companion. We search for emission signatures of stripped material from a non-degenerate companion in the nebular spectrum and find no evidence for any unbound material. We place an upper limit of $< 0.006~M_odot$ on the amount of stripped/ablated H-rich material that could go undetected in our spectrum, effectively ruling out all hydrogen-rich donor stars. Additionally, we place a more tentative upper limit on HeI emission in the observed spectrum of $lesssim 0.02~M_odot$ which also rules out helium star companions. Our deep limits rule out a non-degenerate companion as the explanation for the early-time feature in ASASSN-18bt.
