A Precision Event Generator for EW Corrections in Hadron Scattering: ${cal KK}$MC-hh

Abstract in English

${cal KK}$MC-hh is a precision event-generator for Z production and decay in hadronic collisions, which applies amplitude-level resummation to both initial and final state photon radiation, including perturbative residuals exact through ${cal O}(alpha^2L)$, together with exact ${cal O}(alpha)$ EW matrix element corrections. We present some comparisons to other programs and results showing the effect of multi-photon radiation for cuts motivated by a recent ATLAS W mass analysis. We also show preliminary untuned comparisons of the electroweak corrections of ${cal KK}$MC-hh to those of HORACE, which includes exact ${cal O}(alpha)$ corrections with resummed final-state photon radiation.
