Massless bosons on domain walls: Jackiw-Rebbi-like mechanism for bosonic fields

Abstract in English

It is important to obtain (nearly) massless localized modes for the low-energy four-dimensional effective field theory in the brane-world scenario. We propose a mechanism for bosonic zero modes using the field-dependent kinetic function in the classical field theory set-up. As a particularly simple case, we consider a domain wall in five dimensions, and show that massless states for scalar (0-form), vector (1-form), and tensor (2-form) fields appear on a domain wall, which may be called topological because of robustness of their existence (insensitive to continuous deformations of parameters). The spin of localized massless bosons is selected by the shape of the nonlinear kinetic function, analogously to the chirality selection of fermion by the well-known Jackiw-Rebbi mechanism. Several explicitly solvable examples are given. We consider not only (anti)BPS domain walls in non-compact extra dimension but also non-BPS domain walls in compact extra dimension.
