dS/dS and $Tbar T$

Abstract in English

The $Tbar T$ deformation of a conformal field theory has a dual description as a cutoff $AdS_3$ spacetime, at least at the level of pure 3d gravity. We generalize this deformation in such a way that it builds up a patch of bulk $dS_3$ spacetime instead. At each step along the trajectory in the space of $2d$ theories, the theory is deformed by a specific combination of $Tbar T$ and the two-dimensional cosmological constant. This provides a concrete holographic dual for the warped throat on the gravity side of the dS/dS duality, at leading order in large central charge. We also analyze a sequence of excitations of this throat on both sides of the duality, as well as the entanglement entropy. Our results point toward a mechanism for obtaining de Sitter solutions starting from seed conformal field theories with AdS duals.
