We characterize both entanglement and quantum coherence in a molecular system by connecting the linear entropy of electronic-nuclear entanglement with Wigner-Yanase skew information measuring vibronic coherence and local quantum uncertainty on electronic energy. Linear entropy of entanglement and quantifiers of quantum coherence are derived for a molecular system described in a bipartite Hilbert space H=Hel x Hvib of finite dimension Nel x Nv, and relations between them are established. For the specific case of the electronic-vibrational entanglement, we find the linear entropy of entanglement as having a more complex informational content than the von Neumann entropy. By keeping the information carried by the vibronic coherences in a molecule, linear entropy seizes vibrational motion in the electronic potentials as entanglement dynamics. We analyze entanglement oscillations in an isolated molecule, and show examples for the control of entanglement dynamics in a molecule through the creation of coherent vibrational wave packets in several electronic potentials by using chirped laser pulses.