Correlated Energy Spread Compensation in Multi-Stage Plasma-Based Accelerators

Abstract in English

The extreme electromagnetic fields sustained by plasma-based accelerators allow for energy gain rates above 100 GeV/m but are also an inherent source of correlated energy spread. This severely limits the usability of these devices. Here we propose a novel compact concept which compensates the induced energy correlation by combining plasma accelerating stages with a magnetic chicane. Particle-in-cell and tracking simulations of a particular 1.5 m-long setup with two plasma stages show that 5.5 GeV bunches with a final relative energy spread of $1.2times10^{-3}$ (total) and $5.5times10^{-4}$ (slice) could be achieved while preserving sub-micron emittance. This at least one order of magnitude below current state-of-the-art and paves the way towards applications such as Free-Electron Lasers.
