Direct observation of state-filling at hybrid tin oxide/organic interfaces

Abstract in English

Electroluminescence (EL) spectra from hybrid charge transfer excitons at metal oxide/organic type-II heterojunctions exhibit pronounced bias-induced spectral shifts. The reasons for this phenomenon have been discussed controversially and arguments for both electric field-induced effects as well as filling of trap states at the oxide surface have been put forward. Here, we combine the results from EL and photovoltaic measurements to eliminate the disguising effects of the series resistance. For SnOx combined with the conjugated polymer MeLPPP, we find a one-to-one correspondence between the blueshift of the EL peak and the increase of the quasi-Fermi level splitting at the hybrid heterojunction, which we unambiguously assign to state filling. Our data is resembled best by a model considering the combination an exponential density of states with a doped semiconductor.
