Insights into bootstrap percolation: Its equivalence with k-core percolation and the giant component

Abstract in English

K-core and bootstrap percolation are widely studied models that have been used to represent and understand diverse deactivation and activation processes in natural and social systems. Since these models are considerably similar, it has been suggested in recent years that they could be complementary. In this manuscript we provide a rigorous analysis that shows that for any degree and threshold distributions heterogeneous bootstrap percolation can be mapped into heterogeneous k-core percolation and vice versa, if the functionality thresholds in both processes satisfy a complementary relation. Another interesting problem in bootstrap and k-core percolation is the fraction of nodes belonging to their giant connected components $P_{infty b}$ and $P_{infty c}$, respectively. We solve this problem analytically for arbitrary randomly connected graphs and arbitrary threshold distributions, and we show that $P_{infty b}$ and $P_{infty c}$ are not complementary. Our theoretical results coincide with computer simulations in the limit of very large graphs. In bootstrap percolation, we show that when using the branching theory to compute the size of the giant component, we must consider two different types of links, which are related to distinct spanning branches of active nodes.
