Emergent D-instanton as a source of Dark Energy

Abstract in English

We revisit a non-perturbative formulation leading to a vacuum created gravitational pair of (33)-brane by a Poincare dual higher form U (1) gauge theory on a D4 -brane. In particular, the analysis has revealed a dynamical geometric torsion H 3 for an on-shell Neveu-Schwarz (NS) form on a fat 4-brane. We argue that a D-instanton can be a viable candidate to incorporate the quintessence correction hidden to an emergent (3 + 1)-dimensional brane universe. It is shown that a dynamical non-perturbative correction may be realized with an axionic scalar QFT on an emergent anti 3-brane within a gravitational pair. The theoretical tool provokes thought to believe for an extra instantaneous dimension transverse to our classical brane-universe in an emergent scenario. Interestingly a D-instanton correction, sourced by an axion on an anti 3-brane, may serve as a potential candidate to explain the accelerated rate of expansion of our 3-brane universe and may provide a clue to the origin of dark energy.
